Johann Robbins

Mindfulness and the Direct Path

Two Parallel Paths to Awakening

There are two classic approaches to [synonym for awakening?], yet they are complementary. Here both are offered. 

Insight Meditation (Mindfulness) focuses, quiets, and purifies the mind and body, by concentrating attention on objects such as the breath, other body sensations, emotions, sounds, etc. This reduces stress and reactivity, heals the past, and brings us into the present moment.

In the Direct Path there is no attempt to quiet the mind, or focus on or change any aspect of our experience. We go directly to awareness, where experience is known. By simply letting go of doing and effort, we gradually (it is direct, not instant) come to rest in pure being, peaceful and free.

For different people at different times, one or both approaches is most appropriate, which is why I teach both.

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Johann has a depth of kindness and wisdom presented clearly and at times with humor. Johann knows the pain we all share is difficult to open up to, but he told me what I would find is love, just love. He knew love was waiting for me, as it is all of us. I am so grateful to be on the direct path with acceptance and support; it has meant a new relationship to the world and myself.

Page M., Boulder CO